
BLDC motormagnet

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  • BLDC motormagnet
  • BLDC motormagnet
  • BLDC motormagnet
  • BLDC motormagnet

BLDC motormagnet


Zhejiang, Kina




EV, bil, elektrisk sykkel, takvifte, husholdningsapparater, smarte humanoid roboter, etc.




Permanent magnet




Høyt dreiemoment Høy effekttetthet


Rektangulær/blokk, ring, bue/segment eller tilpasset

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BLDC motormagnet

Magneter spiller en viktig rolle i børsteløse likestrømsmotorer (BLDC), som ofte brukes i ulike applikasjoner, inkludert elektriske kjøretøy, vindturbiner og robotikk. I BLDC-motoren genererer magneter det magnetiske feltet som kreves for at motoren skal kjøre. Det er to typer magneter som vanligvis brukes i BLDC-motorer: neodymjernbor (NdFeB) magneter og ferrittmagneter. Disse magnetene er forskjellige i sammensetning, magnetiske egenskaper og former, noe som påvirker deres ytelse og egnethet for forskjellige bruksområder.

Customized Advantage

  • Zhejiang Zhongke Magnetic Industry Co., Ltd.
    Magnet Selection Guide

    Don't worry if you don't know which magnet you need for your motor project. Just tell us your applied industry, product performance parameters, size and quantity, we will recommend the most suitable product for you with our rich experience.

  • Zhejiang Zhongke Magnetic Industry Co., Ltd.
    Magnet Design and Customization

    With a strong engineer team and professional production lines, Zhongke can design and produce magnet in all shapes according to your needs.

  • Zhejiang Zhongke Magnetic Industry Co., Ltd.
    Free sample inspection and testing

    If you are not sure about the performance parameters of the product, you can send us a sample, we will do a professional test, determine the performance parameters and issue a report for your reference.

  • Zhejiang Zhongke Magnetic Industry Co., Ltd.
    Exclusive customer online service

    Exclusive customer service 7x24 hours to get professional help, make an appointment with a professional technical engineer to get a comprehensive solution.

Perament Magnet Manufacturer

Over 12 Years Experience

Publicly traded listed magnet company in China. Our magnet supplied to many large, medium-scale customers including SAMSUNG, Nidec, Xiaomi, GREE, Midea, WOLONG, amazon, etc. We manufacture type of Ferrite Magnet and Neodymium(NdFeB) Magnet for electric motor, widely used in the field of new generation consumer electronics and energy-saving home appliances.

Just tell us your applied industry, product performance parameters, quantity and size, we will recommend the most suitable magnet for you.

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Production Advantages

  • Ulike former av NdFeB-motormagneter

    NdFeB-magneter er laget av neodym, jern og bor, og er kjent for sin høye magnetiske styrke, lave vekt og kompakte størrelse. Disse magnetene brukes ofte i høyytelsesmotorer og generatorer på grunn av deres utmerkede magnetiske egenskaper, slik som høy koersivitet, høy energitetthet og høy Curie-temperatur. NdFeB-magneter kommer i forskjellige former og størrelser, avhengig av brukskravene.
    De vanligste formene er:
    1. Rektangulære/blokk NdFeB-magneter: Disse magnetene er rektangulære i form og brukes i motorer med rektangulær rotordesign. De gir et sterkt magnetfelt og høy rotasjonshastighet, noe som gjør dem egnet for høyhastighetsmotorer.
    2. Ringformede NdFeB-magneter: Disse magnetene er runde eller ringformede og brukes i motorer med sirkulær rotordesign. Ringformen gir et mer jevnt magnetfelt, noe som resulterer i jevnere drift og mindre støy.
    3. Bue- eller segmentformede NdFeB-magneter: Disse magnetene er designet for å passe inn i en sirkelbue eller et segment og brukes i motorer med buede rotorer. De gir et sterkt magnetfelt og høyt dreiemoment, noe som gjør dem egnet for applikasjoner med høyt dreiemoment.

  • Ulike former for ferrittmotormagneter

    Ferrittmagneter, også kjent som keramiske magneter, er laget av jernoksid og andre metalloksider og er kjent for sin høye koercitivitet og lave kostnader. Ferrittmagneter er ofte brukt i lavytelsesmotorer, som husholdningsapparater og vannpumper.
    Ferrittmagneter kommer i forskjellige former, inkludert:
    1. Rektangulære/blokkferrittmagneter: Disse magnetene er rektangulære i form og brukes i motorer med rektangulær rotordesign. De gir et svakere magnetfelt enn NdFeB-magneter, noe som resulterer i lavere dreiemoment og rotasjonshastighet.
    2. Ringformede ferrittmagneter: Disse magnetene er runde eller ringformede og brukes i motorer med sirkulær rotordesign. De gir et svakere magnetfelt enn NdFeB-magneter, noe som resulterer i lavere dreiemoment og rotasjonshastighet.
    3. Bue- eller segmentformede ferrittmagneter: Disse magnetene er designet for å passe inn i en sirkelbue eller et segment og brukes i motorer med buede rotorer. De gir et svakere magnetfelt enn NdFeB-magneter, noe som resulterer i lavere dreiemoment og rotasjonshastighet.

  • Fordeler og ulemper med forskjellige magnetformer

    Valget av magnetform avhenger av motorens designkrav, driftsforhold og ytelsesmål.
    : 1. Rektangulære/blokkmagneter: disse magnetene har en høy magnetisk flukstetthet og er egnet for høyhastighetsapplikasjoner. På grunn av deres begrensede geometri kan det imidlertid hende at de ikke gir et ensartet magnetfelt, noe som resulterer i tannhjul eller dreiemoment.
    2. Ringformede magneter: disse magnetene gir et mer jevnt magnetfelt og er egnet for bruk med lav hastighet og lavt dreiemoment. Imidlertid gir de kanskje ikke nok magnetisk styrke for høyhastighetsapplikasjoner.
    3. Bue- eller segmentformede magneter: disse magnetene gir et høyt dreiemoment og er egnet for bruk med høyt dreiemoment. Imidlertid kan geometrien deres forårsake ujevn magnetfeltfordeling og kugging.
    4. Ferrittmagneter: ferrittmagneter er billigere enn NdFeB-magneter og tåler høyere temperaturer. De har imidlertid lavere magnetisk styrke og er kun egnet for applikasjoner med lav ytelse.

  • Fordeler med Zhejiang Zhongke Magnetic Industry Co.,Ltd

    Zhejiang Zhongke Magnetic Industry Co.,Ltd. er en ledende produsent av NdFeB og ferrittmagneter i Kina. Selskapet har over 20 års erfaring i magnetindustrien og sysselsetter over 1000 personer. Fordelene med Zhejiang Zhongke Magnetic Industry ved produksjon av forskjellige magnetformer er: 1. Avansert teknologi: Zhejiang Zhongke Magnetic Industry Co.,Ltd. bruker avansert produksjonsteknologi og utstyr, som båndstøpemetoden, hydrogendekrepitering og jetmøllesliping, for å produsere høykvalitets NdFeB og ferrittmagneter med ulike former. 2. Tilpasning: Zhejiang Zhongke Magnetic Industry Co.,Ltd. tilbyr tilpassede magnetdesign og størrelser for å møte spesifikke kundebehov. Selskapet har et sterkt FoU-team som kan designe og produsere magneter med presise toleranser og komplekse geometrier. 3. Kvalitetskontroll: Zhejiang Zhongke Magnetic Industry Co.,Ltd. har et strengt kvalitetskontrollsystem som sikrer at magnetene oppfyller internasjonale standarder, som ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015 og OHSAS18001:2007. Selskapet gjennomfører strenge test- og inspeksjonsprosedyrer, inkludert test av magnetiske egenskaper, dimensjonsmåling og visuell inspeksjon. 4. Konkurransedyktige priser: Zhejiang Zhongke Magnetic Industry Co.,Ltd. tilbyr konkurransedyktige priser for deres NdFeB- og ferrittmagneter, noe som gjør dem til et attraktivt alternativ for kunder som leter etter høykvalitetsmagneter til en rimelig pris.

Magnet Testing Equipment That We Use

  • Average Particle Size Meter and Density Meter

  • Back EMF Meter

  • Gaussmeters And Fluxmeters And Pressure Gauges

  • Image Measuring Instrument

  • Magnetic Property Measuring Instruments And Thermostats And Thermo-Hygrometers

  • Magnetizer

  • Electric Thermostat

  • Three-Dimensional Waveform Tester

  • CMM

  • Compression Testing Machine

  • Density Tester

  • Muffle Furnace

  • Moisture Tester

  • Planetary Ball Mill

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Production Process Of Permanent Ferrite Magnets

Zhongke is committed to becoming a world-renowned supplier of permanent magnet material application solutions in the field of new generation consumer electronics and energy-saving home appliances.
The company's current production process of permanent ferrite magnets is as follows: the purchased pre-fired materials are mixed according to their own formula and ingredients, and after being ball milled by a ball mill, ferrite is produced through steps such as precipitation, wet pressing, sintering, and grinding. Body magnetic tiles, ferrite magnets and other finished products. The specific production process flow chart is as follows:

  • Raw Material Ratio

    Raw Material Ratio

    The strontium ferrite calcined material (the main component is SrFe12O19) is mixed with calcium carbonate, silicon dioxide, strontium carbonate, lanthanum oxide, cobalt oxide and other ingredients according to the formula ratio.

  • Ball Milling/Precipitation

    Ball Milling/Precipitation

    The raw materials are added with water and pulverized by a ball mill to form a slurry, which is placed in a sedimentation tower for precipitation.

  • Wet Press Forming

    Wet Press Forming

    The dehydrated material formed by precipitation is made into a green body through an automatic press in a normal air environment.

  • Sintered


    The raw body is sintered at high temperature into a mature body through a wet-pressed magnetic tile electric-fired roller kiln or a wet-pressed magnetic steel gas-fired roller kiln.

  • Grinding Processing

    Grinding Processing

    The cooked blank is processed by a fully automatic grinding machine processing line to form a finished product.

  • Inspection and Packaging

    Inspection and Packaging

    The magnetic properties, appearance, size and other indicators of the magnets are inspected, packed and put into storage.

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Production Advantages

  • Ball Milling Process

    The company has applied and improved a number of advanced technologies in the industry, such as high-performance ferrite slurry stabilization technology and secondary ball milling batching technology, which has solved the quantitative problem of material added in the preparation process. And we use double coupling dispersion and fine grinding to overcome the problems of slurry agglomeration and particle size distribution consistency. The performance of the slurry obtained in the ball milling process is more stable, which reduces the unit operating time of the ball milling equipment, improves product quality, and reduces production costs.

  • Forming Process

    The company uses a unique new green release agent independently developed to prepare magnetic tiles. The new green release agent is an organic combination of microbial technology and surface release treatment technology, which can degrade oil molecules, reduce the oil content of the release agent, and restore the surface. active lipophilic factor. The product is combined with the surface release process, and the release effect of the magnetic tile is improved through a new release agent, and the surface finish of the blank is improved. The demoulding technology has the characteristics of simple preparation method and convenient application, and improves production efficiency.

  • Sintering Process

    By transforming the sintering preheating system equipment, the company reduces the water content of the sintered green body in the kiln, greatly reduces the waste rate caused by factors such as cracking and lack of oxygen during sintering, and improves the sintering density and mechanical strength of the product. Obtain good microstructure and magnet properties. The company has also realized the sintering base temperature that products with different performances can adapt to through formula adjustment. Products with different specifications, sizes and performances can be co-fired at the same temperature, which significantly improves the production efficiency of the sintering process. In addition, in terms of veneer loading and billet loading, the company has adopted a bulk stacking method that conforms to the company's product features of small shape and light weight after many tests, realizing heavy veneer loading, good sintering atmosphere, and high sintering yield. good effect.

  • Grinding Process

    By optimizing the parameters of grinding machines and other processing equipment and improving the process technology, the company has improved the consistency of product thickness to ≤0.02MM within L30MM and ≤0.04MM within L50MM, and has mastered the technology of three-phase motor magnets produced by grinding tooling. Breakthroughs have been made in technical difficulties in the industry, such as product precision and stable equipment performance, and certain innovations have been achieved in technology and equipment.

  • Secondary Development

    The company's magnetic tile products are developing in the direction of high efficiency, low consumables, and low energy consumption. For example, through atomic substitution and compound doping, the rare earth-free ZK-5B high-performance motor magnetic tile independently developed by the company reduces the coagulation of magnetic powder, improves the orientation effect, improves the material performance and reduces the production cost by using strong magnetic field to suppress and adding a double dispersant.